Saturday, July 14, 2007

Note from our E.C.

Reminder that Trinity Commandery will have a practice meeting on Thursday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m. (Note earlier starting time!)

We will rehearse full form opening from the beginning up to where all inspecting officer's staff have been introduced and escorted through the lines. We will also rehearse the Rehearsal of Duties.

If you haven't been studying, now is the time! Please come prepared, having at least familiarized yourself with your part for what we are going to rehearse.

Are there others than this email list that need to be informed? Please let me know, or take it upon yourself to notify others that should and can be there. Perhaps our recorder can make sure all officers have been notified.

The dress is casual, the meeting is informal. Bring sword and hat. (Any kind of hat, a ball cap, will do.) I will provide some sort of light snacks and beverages.

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