Wednesday, June 18, 2008

C.T.A. Picnic

Here is an update on the C.T.A Picnic for this year. Trinity Members will need to be at the Temple at 2:00pm to help man the grills. The business meeting starts at 3:00pm. and the Picnic begins at 4:30pm. Everyone is to bring a dish to share. We hope to see you at this exciting event!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Trinity is hosting the C.T.A. Picnic

WhenJun 22, 2008
WhereNorwood Masonic Temple (map)
DescriptionJune 22, 2008 Trinity #44 will host the picnic for the Annual Meeting of the C.T.A.  at 3:00 Casual Attire - No uniforms required please join us for a great time

Need a new Uniform?

 Rev. Jan L. Beaderstadt leads an outreach ministry and provides custom clothing related to masonic activities. He can be reached at the email address: or by phone (989) 867-4770. Also, you can try his web site: where under new items he now has the Knight Templar Short Coat with pants for $189. No one is going to beat his prices. I have spoken to him at the suggestion of E.C. Ron Hart and it has been thoroughly pleasant experience.My new Uniform will be hand tailored and will arrive in August.

SW Jeffrey Neal

Practices for Wardens

For the Wardens of Trinity and those of you whom wish to learn.

Sir Knights:
Congratulations on being elected to serve as a Warden for Trinity Commandery. You can expect to hear from SK Bill Swift about Warden practices. I'm not sure when he will start, but he will hold several over the coming months to help you prepare for the coming year. He has agreed to serve as Captain of the Wardens and guide you through your duties in both the Full Form Opening and the Order of the Temple. As he has done in past years, he will have the Junior and Senior Wardens from both Trinity and Covert work together. He does a great job and is good a preparing for the inspections. Let me know if you have any questions.

E.C. Ron Hart

Note from our new Eminent Commander

Sir Knights:
I will do my best to serve Trinity Commandery in the coming year and will endeavor, with humility and vigor, to continue the proud tradition established by my predecessors. My most ardent desire is that in twelve months, you will not regret the decision you have just made.

We have a fine corps of officers and many fine Sir Knights in Trinity. There is nothing we can not accomplish, if we set our minds to it as well as work for it. In June, I will provide a Commandery Calendar for the coming year so everyone will be informed of the known dates. We will meet in July and August to "kick start" the year.

I call on all the Sir Knights of Trinity to be active and attend as regularly as you can. It is my firm expectation that every Trinity Officer will be at every Conclave, as that is the obligation you owe to those that have voted and thus entrusted Trinity to you. Obviously, we all succumb to illness or an occasional conflict with our occupations or families, but with the annual calendar I expect any conflicts to be minimized. Please arrive at all meetings so that you are dressed and ready to step out for the opening by 7:15 PM. In my discussions with all of you, I have stressed the need for punctual and regular attendance. If any officers feels that this commitment is too much for them, we should discuss whether you have the right commitment to your position - before the year begins

Knights Templar are a uniformed organization. Our Quartermaster Corps is available to assist Sir Knights in being uniformed. Each officer must come to our Conclaves in full uniform, unless alternative instructions are provided (for example in July and August). Many of us have come to our Conclave right from our place of employment. If that happens or if it might happen, think ahead and put your uniform bag and gear into your car before you go to work (or even the night before). There is no excuse, we must think ahead.

Ritual sets Masonry aside from clubs and programs. It is very important to learn our parts, correctly, and to do them well, so that each candidate receives a quality Order. We will use the program time in our Stated Conclaves, as well as additional nights, to rehearse so that we can provide the candidates with what they truly deserve and what we owe in the way of respect for those that came before us. All Third and Fifth Thursdays will be focused on the Full Form Opening and Order of the Temple. The Ritual Committee that I am appointing will be in charge of using the First Thursday to assist us in developing a competency over the coming year in the Red Cross and Malta. It will be a big challenge this year, but it is my ardent desire that my successors will have teams ready to put on each of the Orders. Then we will be able to focus our efforts on developing a Trinity Drill Team.

I look forward to having fun this year and we will try to start in June. The installation will be at our June Stated Conclave and we will have refreshments following the meeting. We will have some activities this year to include the Ladies as they serve a very important part of our function and are critical to having a good inspection. Please encourage your Lady to join us at these activities and be sure she will be available to assist on our inspection date of February 21st.

Thank you all for the assistance you have provided me I and know that I will need in the coming year. I, in turn, assure you of my assistance to you as we prepare for a big year ahead.

In the name of our Eternal Exemplar,