Thursday, July 19, 2007

Trinity Practice

The Officers of Trinity had a great practice on the Duties and Tactics this evening. We would like to thank all of those who attended. We look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on the 3rd Thursday of August.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Royal Arch Four Degree Day Update

Here is a tenative schedule for the Four Degree Day for the Royal Arch being held at Norwood Masonic Temple on Sept.15

8:00 donuts

9:00 Degree's start

4:30 Estimated finish time

As more information becomes available I will update the site

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Note from our E.C.

Reminder that Trinity Commandery will have a practice meeting on Thursday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m. (Note earlier starting time!)

We will rehearse full form opening from the beginning up to where all inspecting officer's staff have been introduced and escorted through the lines. We will also rehearse the Rehearsal of Duties.

If you haven't been studying, now is the time! Please come prepared, having at least familiarized yourself with your part for what we are going to rehearse.

Are there others than this email list that need to be informed? Please let me know, or take it upon yourself to notify others that should and can be there. Perhaps our recorder can make sure all officers have been notified.

The dress is casual, the meeting is informal. Bring sword and hat. (Any kind of hat, a ball cap, will do.) I will provide some sort of light snacks and beverages.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Four Royal Arch Degree Day

In an effort to increase our membership we need to get any candidate who has not taken their Royal Arch Degrees to the four degree day on September 15 at Norwood Masonic Temple. We need Sir Knights to be available that day to inform the new members of our Order and give them petitions. To help fan the fire of interest while it is hot. Email me if your available and I will see that you have petitions at hand

Stated Meeting

Our next meeting will be Thursday at 7:30 be sure to attend.

We are updating our files

In an effort to update our files, all Sir Knights of Trinity #44 will be receiving a mailing asking for updated personal information. This is to ensure that we have all information necessary to help contact you about all of the exciting things to come from Trinity Commandery. Please fill out the form and send it in promptly so we can update the files. Thank you for your participation and I look forward to receiving your letter soon.


Welcome to the Offical Site for Trinity Commandery #44 Knights Templar in Cincinnati Ohio. We will be adding up to date information about Orders to be conferred, upcoming meetings, Any and all information relating to our Commandery. There will be a calander added as well. I will update and improve the site over the next several months. All members are encouraged to send ideas, pictures, and information often as possible. Email them to me at and feel free to call me at 513 289 2386. I hope to be of service to the Commandery in this function and look forward to hearing from you.
